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Merlin Mann is an independent writer, speaker, and broadcaster based in San Francisco.


Merlin created 43 Folders, co-hosts You Look Nice TodayBack to Work, and Roderick on the Line, and speaks and consults about things like emailtime & attention, and creative work.

Sure, Merlin also makes and does other stuff, including kinda-famous things like Inbox Zero, theHipster PDA, the Procrastination Dash5ivesThat Phone Guy, and, of course, his personal favorite, “Cranking.” Merlin strongly discourages you from following him on Twitter.

What about you? Do you ♥ Merlin's work? Hankering to hire him? Awesome. Drop a line, and tell uswhat you need.

Other questions for Merlin right now? Well, okay, then. Thanks, and surf safe.